A refugee family in Valmez is usually accommodated in a single room. The conditions in the accommodation are cramped and unsuitable for socialising with classmates and friends. Valmez4Shelter, therefore, offers a range of leisure activities.
We organise bike trips and visits to the outdoor swimming pool every weekend during the warm season. In the winter, we go to the indoor pool twice a week as a group. In addition, two dozen pairs of ice skates are available to borrow free of charge for use on the local ice rink.
Our team also organises a dance group that meets regularly. And since the beginning of 2024, Valmez4Shelter has enabled a rotating group of twelve young people to spend an hour and a half at the bowling alley.
Eight children and young people can currently take guitar lessons with our employee Mykola.
Around 50 Ukrainian pensioners live in Valmez. Every Friday, we organise a visit to the indoor swimming pool for ten of them. This trip is good for their health and allows them to socialise.
As far as the financial situation allows, Valmez4Shelter organises excursions to the surrounding area, including day trips to Prague.